For Parents

​​​​​​St Peter Chanel is fortunate to have an active Parents and Friends Association, which plays a key role in the successful operation of the school. The current key objectives of our association relate to:
  1. Growing parent engagement 
  2. Growing community spirit 
  3.  Fundraising 

Parents have traditionally supported the school by providing, through the Association, assistance with finance necessary for many school and classroom facilities. These finances are raised through an annual levy and various fundraising events held throughout the year.

The Parents and Friends' major fundraising event alternates each year between a themed Dinner Dance or Fete. The 'James Bond', 'Destination Unknown', 'Hollywood', 'Grease' and 'Black and White Gala’ Dinner Dances and the 'International Food Festival' and ‘Family Food and Fun Festival’ to name a few of the functions, have all been extremely successful. 

Fete.jpgOur recent fete held on August 5, 2023 was a huge success. Having lived with restrictions during, and the uncertainty following, the COVID-19 pandemic, school families and the local community came out in force​ on a beautiful August day to celebrate  life slowly returning to normal. Judging by the smiles on everyone's face, a fabulous day was had by all and much needed funds were raised. 

The St Peter Chanel Parents and Friends Association organise many events to bring the school and local community together. Our beginning of the ​year family Welcome BBQ and Disco is widely anticipated each year, and Trivia Nights have proven to be quite popular and entertaining.

Once a term, on a Friday afternoon from 3.00pm - 3.30pm, Cafe Chanel is held. Parents, new and old, come together in a relaxed environment to enjoy a coffee, a piece of cake or slice and a chat,​ whist the children play at the end of the school week. The refreshments are provided by parents from different year levels each time it is held.​

©  Brisbane Catho​lic Education​, St Peter Chanel Primary School  (2023)